Buy Thetis Pro FIDO2 Security Key



What is the PIN for the Security Key?

There are two kinds of PINs for the security key:
- FIDO2 PIN: create your own unique PIN in Security Key Manager in the Windows Sign-in option, Chrome, or our Thetis Key Manager app.
- Bluetooth: the PIN printed on the back of the Key is only used for pairing the Key with your devices
If you have a FIDO2 Bluetooth Key, you will have two different PIN numbers.

Can I use the key on my Mac?

Thetis FIDO U2F key can be used on multiple operating systems, such as, Windows, Mac OS X, Linux (Debian Based or Red Hat Based) and Chrome OS. The only requirement is that you have the latest Chrome or Opera Browser and have a USB port.

Can I use the key with my Firefox?

Yes. The Firefox browser supports FIDO2 and U2F now.

What happens if I lose the key? Will my private information leak?

Firstly, calm down. Then go to the website the key was registered to. Find the 2-step verification or two-factor authentication section, and deactivate or delete the registered key. You can still receive the verification code via your text message when you login. Also, you can purchase another key for backup use.

Thetis key will not leak any information from your web browser and personal profiles. It only generates ECDSA public and private keys to pair your key and your accounts on specific websites.

What browser supports FIDO U2F protocol?

Since version 40, Chrome and Opera supports FIDO U2F protocol. However, Opera cannot support Dropbox at this time. For the best experience, use the latest Chrome.

What websites support FIDO U2F protocol?

Currently, Google, Facebook, Dropbox, GitHub, SalesForce, Dashlane, GitLab, BitBucket, and FastMail. 

Can I use my security key with more than one gmail account?

Yes, you can register it to multiple gmail accounts. Also, you can share it with your family members.

How many accounts can the key be registered to?

The U2F and FIDO2 Security keys can be associated with plenty of accounts when you use it as 2nd Factor Authentication. You can store up to 50 resident keys for FIDO2 security keys.

I already enable my 2-step verification and received a SMS code. Do I need a key?

The Thetis FIDO U2F key provides you with better security.  Because the SMS and authenticator app can also be hacked or phished by others, the key is safer and simpler.

Can the key be copied?

No, the key cannot be copied.

Does it support Ubuntu?

Yes. The FIDO U2F can be supported by most operating systems including Ubuntu, Fedora and Chrome OS. Just remember to have the latest Chrome Browser.

However, you have to give the key the permission. Open the terminal and type the command: (may require login password)

echo 'KERNEL=="hidraw*", SUBSYSTEM=="hidraw", MODE="0664", GROUP="plugdev"' | sudo tee /etc/udev/rules.d/thetisu2f.rules

Reboot your computer and enjoy. Based on the method:

Does the key support LastPass?

No. Currently, LastPass haven't supported FIDO2 protocol. They are working on it and is coming soon. However, the Dashlane support the U2F with a premium subscription.

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